The formulas of cohort study of rheumatoid arthritis with spleen wet application
中文关键词: 关节炎,类风湿  健脾  化湿  通络  队列研究
英文关键词: Arthritis,rheumatoid  Strengthening spleen  Dissipating dampness  Dredging collaterals  Cohort studies 〖FL
方妍妍 安徽中医药大学,合肥 230038 675867310@qq.com 
刘健 安徽省中医院 liujianahzy@126.com 
万磊 安徽省中医院  
忻凌 安徽省中医院  
董文哲 安徽中医药大学,合肥 230038  
文建庭 安徽中医药大学,合肥 230038  
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全文下载次数: 4436
      目的 随访类风湿关节炎出院患者健脾化湿通络方药的应用情况,分析中医药治疗与终点事件发生的相关性。方法 采用队列研究设计。电话随访安徽省中医院2012年1月1日至2016 年6 月30日类风湿关节炎住院患者,记录出院后口服中成药、中药汤剂的种类和应用时间,以及全因死亡、手术治疗、再发入院、关节外病变的发生情况,终点事件χ2检验、logistic 回归分析中医药(刘健教授常用健脾代表药茯苓、薏苡仁、陈皮,祛风湿代表药威灵仙、川芎、桑寄生,活血通络代表药丹参、桃仁、红花以及院内制剂新风胶囊、黄芩清热除痹胶囊、颈椎活血胶囊)治疗与终点事件发生的相关性。结果 完成随访患者1468例,失访率18.98%。暴露组(出院后应用中成药和中药汤剂≥28 d)1292例,应用频次较多的口服中成药依次为新风胶囊、黄芩清热除痹胶囊、新癀片、雷公藤多苷片等;中药汤剂依次为四妙散、身痛逐瘀汤、宣痹汤、独活寄生汤等。各暴露组终点事件总发生80例,其中非暴露组37 例(21.02%),低暴露组21例(12.96%),中暴露组14例(7.49%),高暴露组8例(0.85%),其发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 终点事件的发生与中医药应用时间存在相关性,新风胶囊、茯苓、川芎等为代表的健脾化湿通络方药可降低类风湿关节炎患者终点事件发生。
      Objective To follow-up patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and spleen wet only strengthen the application of the formulas and analyze the correlation between Chinese medicine treatment and terminal events.Methods Cohort study design.follow-up of Anhui provincial hospital of traditional chinese medicine By telephone from January 1,2 to June 30,6 hospitalized patients with rheumatoid arthritis,record oral proprietary Chinese medicine,Chinese medicine medicinal broth after discharge types and application of the time,and all because of death,surgical treatment,recurrence outside the hospital,joint and the pathological changes of terminal event chi-square test and logistic regression analysis of traditional Chinese medicine (professor liu spleen on behalf of commonly used medicine poria cocos,coix seed,dried tangerine or orange peel,(on behalf of the medicine clematis root,rhizoma ligustici wallichii,mulberry parasitism,invigorate the circulation of T2DM representative drugs salvia miltiorrhiza,peach kernel,safflower,and hospital preparations air capsule,astragalus membranaceus heat except bi capsule,the cervical vertebra huoxue capsule) treatment and finish the correlation of the incident.Results 1468 patients with complete follow-up,lost to follow-up rate was 18.98%.Exposed group (application of proprietary Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine medicinal broth acuity 28 days after discharge) 1292 cases,application frequency more capsule,radix scutellariae oral Chinese patent medicine,in turn,for fresh air heat in addition to the certification of the capsule,new Huang,tripterygium wilfordii glycosides more pills,etc.;Traditional Chinese medicine medicinal broth of four wonderful spread,body pain by stasis soup,xuan bi soup,soup of live with parasites.Exposed groups each end point events occurred in 80 cases,including non exposed group 37 cases (21.02%),low exposure group 21 cases (12.96%),in the exposed group of 14 cases (7.49%),high exposed group of 8 cases (0.85%),the incidence of difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion End point events is related to the application of traditional Chinese medicine time,which represented by fresh air capsule,poria cocos,rhizoma ligustici wallichii wet t2dm can reduce the formulas of the spleen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.